First Time in Mexico!
Best tacos we've ever had at Taqueria Honorio. No photos because we devoured them the moment they arrived.
Really good roast chicken at El Pollo Bronco too!
We liked the coffee at Bengala Kaffeehaus.
But we definitely did not like Casa Lucia. DO NOT stay there. Very dirty.
This was interesting to watch. I'd never seen anyone make tortillas before until then.
Swimming in cenotes!
Stopped by Izamal quickly to look at how uniformly coloured it was. Even the horses' hats matched their carriages.
It was our first time anywhere in Latin America, and it felt so much safer than everyone had told us it would be. Chichén Itzá was amazing even though it was sweltering outside, and we had so many good coffees along the way that Mexico put Hong Kong to shame.
Photos by Heyting and I.